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联系基地:山东省 德州市协同发展产业园D06幢


文章来源:/   作者:电缆桥架厂家发布时间:2023-05-04 浏览次数:17

Cascade cable tray is a common cable tray structure, which is usually used in power, communication, broadcasting, transportation and other fields. Jinan cable tray manufacturers mainly play their value in the following environments:
Areas with frequent lightning strikes: In areas with frequent lightning strikes, stepped cable trays have good grounding effects, which can effectively reduce the harm of lightning strikes and protect the safety of equipment and personnel.
Severe weather environment: The stepped bridge can withstand the impact of harsh weather environments such as high temperature, cold, and humidity, and has the characteristics of corrosion resistance and strong durability, ensuring normal operation under extreme weather conditions.
Long span and high-altitude environments: The stepped bridge has strong load-bearing capacity and stability, which can meet the usage needs in long span and high-altitude environments. At the same time, the stepped bridge can also be installed in stages, facilitating equipment maintenance and cable laying.
Modern urban construction: In the modernization of urban construction, the stepped bridge has a beautiful appearance, smooth lines, and is coordinated with the beautiful environment of the city. At the same time, it can also serve as a support for urban monitoring, traffic signals, radio and television equipment.
In short, stepped cable trays are mainly used for equipment wiring and support in complex environments. They have good stability, load-bearing capacity, durability, aesthetics, and adaptability, and play an important role in dealing with various complex environments and applications. For more related content, come to our website Consult!
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